Write a program that produces different results in C and C++
Write a program that compiles and runs both in C and C++, but produces different results when compiled by C and C++ compilers....
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A comma operator question
Consider the following C programs....
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Hiding of all Overloaded Methods with Same Name in Base Class in C++
In C++, function overloading is possible i.e., two or more functions from the same class can have the same name but different parameters. However, if a derived class redefines the base class member method then all the base class methods with the same name become hidden in the derived class....
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Condition To Print “HelloWorld”
What should be the “condition” so that the following code snippet prints both HelloWorld!...
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C Program For Removing Duplicates From A Sorted Linked List
Write a function that takes a list sorted in non-decreasing order and deletes any duplicate nodes from the list. The list should only be traversed once. For example if the linked list is 11->11->11->21->43->43->60 then removeDuplicates() should convert the list to 11->21->43->60....
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Wipro WILP Interview Experience 2023
Interview Questions asked by Interviewer in Wipro will 2023....
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Tail Call Optimisation in C
In C programming, Tail Call Optimization (TCO) is a technique that eliminates the need for an additional stack frame to store the data of another function by reusing the current function’s stack frame. This optimization technique is only possible for tail function calls....
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Check if given Preorder, Inorder and Postorder traversals are of same tree | Set 2
Given Preorder, Inorder and Postorder traversals of some tree. The task is to check if they all are of the same tree.Examples:...
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To find sum of two numbers without using any operator
Write a program to find sum of positive integers without using any operator. Only use of printf() is allowed. No other library function can be used....
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Structure Sorting (By Multiple Rules) in C++
Prerequisite : Structures in CName and marks in different subjects (physics, chemistry and maths) are given for all students. The task is to compute total marks and ranks of all students. And finally display all students sorted by rank....
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C Program To Find Armstrong Numbers Between 1 to 1000
Prerequisites: Program for Armstrong Numbers...
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C Program to Show Runtime Exceptions
Runtime exceptions occur while the program is running. Here, the compilation process will be successful.  These errors occur due to segmentation faults and when a number is divided by a division operator or modulo division operator....
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